Monday, October 26, 2009

A Similar Model of Development

KickStart is an organization that works to get people out of poverty quickly, cost-effectively and sustainably.

Here is their 5 step model that could be an great source of inspiration for my model:
  1. Identify Opportunities - what business will be profitable for this people, in this place?
  2. Design products - what new tools will make this possible?
  3. Establish a Supply Chain - how can we produce this?
  4. Develop the Market - how do we convince someone with little money to make a big investment?
  5. Measure and Move Along - is it going as we planned?
KickStart believes:
-If tackling poverty then tackle rural poverty as 70% of the poorest people live in rural communities
- The poor does not need money, she needs ways to make money
- You canot develop a technology to address a problem without fully undestanding the local culture

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