Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Power of The Poor

Another piece of inspiration as we go on with thesis. I need to get the full documentary.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nuru: non-profit that works to end extreme poverty

This article talks about Nuru's approach on communities that are at risk of becoming part of terrorism if their needs are not addressed properly. When in desperate positions, people will do anything to survive.

Nuru's founder, Jake Harriman, a platoon commander in the Infantry and an elite unit of Marines called Force Recon; believes that address the following five areas of development: : Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Healthcare, Community Economic Development and Education; extreme poverty can end and therefore terrorism.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hypothesis VIII

This thesis presents the hypothesis that strategic design, a problem-solving methodology that uses abductive reasoning, can be applied to the challenge of providing financial support to a community center in a developing country. Traditional sources of financial support for such institutions, including individual benefactors, government agencies and international organizations have shown to be unreliable. Applying strategic design methodology to such a problem may provide innovative sources of funding for a community center drawn from local residences, a network of numerous such centers, and a hybrid of local and global community center grown businesses and cooperatives.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Medillín project

Currently running for the presidency of Colombia, Sergio Fajardo initiated a project in the slums of Medellín to improve the quality of life of the residents.

The main idea of his project was the "best thing in the worst neighborhoods." Referring to how the quality of the environment would enhance the lifestyle of the people living in slums. It will make a positive impact and elevate their social status. In my opinion, it is one of many initial steps in curing poverty.

to read the entire article visit:

After reading the article, sounds like ADIC or any neighborhood in Caracas could benefit from it. These slums are similar to those in Medellín but having houses stacked on top of each and being social nucleus of violence and death.

My next question would be: Where the politics of the country ever got in the way of the project? Did you receive any political support?

I am concerned that when the time comes to do research in Venezuela the government of political parties will get in the way of it and try to stop it or intervene.

Another article:
"The first step toward quality education is the dignity of the space. When the poorest kid in Medellín arrives in the best classroom in the city, there is a powerful message of social inclusion. That kid has a newfound self-esteem, and he learns math more easily. If you give the most humble neighborhoods beautiful libraries, you make those communities proud of the libraries. That is powerful"


Idea Summit

Rolf Smith "Colonel Innovation" has spent a career thinking about how people think. Now, he is helping people at some of the world's most powerful organizations to generate big ideas -- and to rethink their whole approach to creativity

Interesting concepts:

The 7 level of change:
"Level One is effectiveness -- doing the right things. Level Two is efficiency -- doing things right. Level Three is improving -- doing the right things better. Level Four is cutting -- doing away with things. Level Five is copying -- doing things other people are doing. Level Six is different -- doing things no one else is doing. And Level Seven is impossible -- doing things that can't be done. Smith's goal for every Thinking Expedition is to move a team along this continuum."

"Being creative is when you think about your thinking," Smith says. "Being innovative is when you act on your ideas."

Continuum's ideologies

Continuum is another design consultancy that uses design thinking to solve problems.

Design Thinking Workshops
Evolving your business. Solving unprecedented problems. Connecting with customers. Our Design Thinking Workshop is all about finding new solutions to old problems.
Fast paced and highly-interactive, the workshop highlights the principles of design thinking and how to use them. You’ll gain new perspective on how to define problems and generate breakthrough ideas. And you’ll walk away with tools and approaches that can be applied to your own business challenges.

• Experience the power of working collaboratively
• Develop an understanding of how to use consumer insights
• Use abductive reasoning to explore the logic of what might be
• Understand how to define problems in full context
• Discover quick and cost-effective ways to make new ideas tangible