Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting closer to your enemies

Even without meaning to, we make friends and enemies. Sometimes, it only takes for someone to walk into a room to make both simultaneously.

This argument goes back to a conversation with Prof. Klinkowstein on how to fight back. Seth's blog just brought these lessons back to mind.

From what I recalled, this is what stuck in my mind:
1. Understand the problem, better than your enemies.
2. Consult with your smartest friends, friends of friends, experts in the fields about your problem.
3. Invite Cruella Devil to lunch. Get close to your enemies, this will show them how not frighten you are. I see it as a watering down thick dough. Besides you will get to understand their weaknesses.
4. Use Verdana when writing legal documents. You are not ashamed of showing you are right, there is nothing to hide, nothing they can use to get you and huge Verdana is like calcium for strong bones.

What triggered my thoughts:

And, thank you Prof. Klinkowstein!

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